Friday 2 November 2012

Databases Services

Biological Databases Services

Modul-Bio can develop custom biological databases for managing, tracking and publishing your biological data. These databases can be either stand alone or fully integrated with our LIMS.

Biological database examples:

Viral Orfeome Bioinformatic Database
The aim of this project is to study virus protein interaction with host proteins.

Viral Orfeome Bioinformatic Database:

contains genome sequences of all viruses from Genbank + different strains
displays gene structure information and location (with Graphical interface of all viruses genomes)
allows the design of primers on any ORF (Open Reading Frame), primers management and visualization
tracks ORFs cloning from all viruses
tracks protein-protein interaction study
search tools to query viruses interaction, primers, clones
EDGEdb Bioinformatic Database C. elegans
Differential Gene Expression DataBase
This project aims to find novel transcription factors and their target genes in C. elegans.

EDGEdb Bioinformatic Database:

contains the genome from C. elegans and the annotated genes
displays gene structure information and location (with Graphical interface)
tracks C. elegans genome promoter region
allows data management for transcription factor
interface to enter interaction / expression data and visualization tools.
contains information from the literature as well as information obtained from the experiments performed in the lab
series of tools that allow the members of the lab to enter the data in a high-throughput fashion.
search tools to query genes, ORFs, operons and Transcription factors
displays promoter info and TF info- interface to enter clones/yeast localization and add vector/strain page

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