Sunday 4 November 2012

Microsoft Access Database

Microsoft Access Database

Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access, is a database management system from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and software-development tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the Professional and higher editions or sold separately. On May 12, 2010, the current version of Microsoft Access 2010 was released by Microsoft in Office 2010; Microsoft Office Access 2007 was the prior version.
Microsoft Access stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet Database Engine. It can also import or link directly to data stored in other applications and databases.[1]
Software developers and data architects can use Microsoft Access to develop application software, and "power users" can use it to build software applications. Like other Office applications, Access is supported by Visual Basic for Applications, an object-oriented programming language that can reference a variety of objects including DAO (Data Access Objects), ActiveX Data Objects, and many other ActiveX components. Visual objects used in forms and reports expose their methods and properties in the VBA programming environment, and VBA code modules may declare and call Windows operating-system functions.
Contents  [hide]
1 History
1.1 Project Omega
1.2 Project Cirrus
1.3 Timeline
2 Uses
3 Features
3.1 Access Services and Web database
3.2 Import or Link sources
4 Development
4.1 Split Database Architecture
4.2 Access to SQL Server Upsizing (Upgrading) (SQL as a backend)
5 Protection
6 File extensions
7 Versions
8 See also
9 References
10 External links

Web Database

Web Database

Web SQL Database is a web page API for storing data in databases that can be queried using a variant of SQL.[1]
The API is supported by Google Chrome[2], Opera[3], Safari[3] and Mozilla Firefox by add-on extension[4].
The W3C Web Applications Working Group ceased working on the specification in November 2010, citing lack of independent implementations (not using SQLite as the backend) as the reason the specification could not move forward to become a W3C Recommendation.[1]
[edit]See also

Indexed Database API
Web Storage

^ a b "Web SQL Database (W3C Working Group Note)". Retrieved 2011-10-25.
^ a b

Database Programming

Database Programming

Database programing always seems to be very complicated. Well, the reality is that, there are a few elements that you need to know about it, and once you properly understand them, you are surely going to realize that database programming is something accessible for everyone, as the whole process can be completed easily. For starter, what you need to know is the main thing that database programming supposes. When talking about database programming, we are going to refer to a series of tools and systems, which can be used with the purpose to handle all type of data. Database programming is very important for all companies, who, usually hire specialists to handle their most important data.Database programming software possibilities are going to make everything quite simple for you. This means that all you need to do is to learn how to work with those type of software tools and you will better manage the data your company has to work with. Having vital data properly stored and making it accessible when you need it, surely is something that will make the company more functional. Because many database programming software tools are very easy to handle, you will be able to learn yourself how to work with them and the way you can solve issues and access files. Learning database programming can, on the other hand, be a huge challenge for every employee, who will have to learn how to use a certain type of software.Java database programming is today quite a common choice that many firms make. With Java database programming, you will be able to read, write and modify all type of data, which already exists in a database. Java can also be used with the purpose to design a new database. Anyway, what you should keep in mind is that Java is only one tool that people can be use for database programming. Many other tools can be easily found, some of them being available online for free download. Still, the most important thing when it comes to database programming that you will do yourself, is that you need to be able to learn how to use the best way the tool you opt for.
Database programming may seem to be something very complicated, but the reality is that it can be simple when you know which are the main steps that should be made in that direction. Actually, when it comes to database programming, the whole process can be done by yourself, when you plan on making some important savings. Database programming means that with the use of various tools, you will be able to manage many data, vital information for your company and the way it works. And there are various tools that can be used when talking about database programming, but making sure that the data you have introduced and the data you are using is correct is probably the most important element. All companies use different types of database in their everyday work and knowing how to manage them will definitely be very important.Some database programming software options are easy to handle and you can actually learn to use them by yourself. Other are however more complicated and you will find that in order to learn the way to handle them, you will need to attend some special courses, as different companies are going to use different database programming options. And, of course, the whole process of database programming will be easier when the data you need to handle is not that big or complicated. However, all such database programming options are going to include some detailed information, which are stored by the user. With database programming options the best thing is that they are going to help you very quick solve issues, once they occur. Some programs are going to need source codes to be usable.In the main area in which database programming can be included, numerous improvements are found constantly and so users must stay informed and keep up to the changes. And the main thing that must be kept under consideration when talking about database programming is that the software used is only going to respect the commands set by users, so the whole program will work at your request. A proper database management system will help all companies work efficient and the risk of major mistakes being found will highly be reduced this way.

Examples of Databases

Examples of Databases

Database type examples

The following are examples of various database types. Some of them are not main-stream types, but most of them have received special attention (e.g., in research) due to end-user requirements. Some exist as specialized DBMS products, and some have their functionality types incorporated in existing general-purpose DBMSs. Though may differ in nature and functionality, these various types typically have to comply with the usability requirements below to comply as databases.
Active database
Main article: Active database
An active database is a database that includes an event-driven architecture which can respond to conditions both inside and outside the database. Possible uses include security monitoring, alerting, statistics gathering and authorization.
Most modern relational databases include active database features in the form of database trigger.
Cloud database
Main article: Cloud database
A Cloud database is a database that relies on cloud technology. Both the database and most of its DBMS reside remotely, "in the cloud," while its applications are both developed by programmers and later maintained and utilized by (application's) end-users through a web browser and Open APIs. More and more such database products are emerging, both of new vendors and by virtually all established database vendors.
Data warehouse
Main article: Data warehouse
Data warehouses archive data from operational databases and often from external sources such as market research firms. Often operational data undergo transformation on their way into the warehouse, getting summarized, anonymized, reclassified, etc. The warehouse becomes the central source of data for use by managers and other end-users who may not have access to operational data. For example, sales data might be aggregated to weekly totals and converted from internal product codes to use UPCs so that they can be compared with ACNielsen data. Some basic and essential components of data warehousing include retrieving, analyzing, and mining data, transforming,loading and managing data so as to make them available for further use.
Operations in a data warehouse are typically concerned with bulk data manipulation, and as such, it is unusual and inefficient to target individual rows for update, insert or delete. Bulk native loaders for input data and bulk SQL passes for aggregation are the norm.
Distributed database
Main article: Distributed database
The definition of a distributed database is broad, and may be utilized in different meanings. In general it typically refers to a modular DBMS architecture that allows distinct DBMS instances to cooperate as a single DBMS over processes, computers, and sites, while managing a single database distributed itself over multiple computers, and different sites.
Examples are databases of local work-groups and departments at regional offices, branch offices, manufacturing plants and other work sites. These databases can include both segments shared by multiple sites, and segments specific to one site and used only locally in that site.
Document-oriented database
Main article: Document-oriented database
A document-oriented database is a computer program designed for storing, retrieving, and managing document-oriented, or semi structured data, information. Document-oriented databases are one of the main categories of so-called NoSQL databases and the popularity of the term "document-oriented database" (or "document store") has grown with the use of the term NoSQL itself.
Utilized to conveniently store, manage, edit and retrieve documents.
Embedded database
Main article: Embedded database
An embedded database system is a DBMS which is tightly integrated with an application software that requires access to stored data in a way that the DBMS is “hidden” from the application’s end-user and requires little or no ongoing maintenance. It is actually a broad technology category that includes DBMSs with differing properties and target markets. The term "embedded database" can be confusing because only a small subset of embedded database products is used in real-time embedded systems such as telecommunications switches and consumer electronics devices.[3]
End-user database
These databases consist of data developed by individual end-users. Examples of these are collections of documents, spreadsheets, presentations, multimedia, and other files. Several products exist to support such databases. Some of them are much simpler than full fledged DBMSs, with more elementary DBMS functionality (e.g., not supporting multiple concurrent end-users on a same database), with basic programming interfaces, and a relatively small "foot-print" (not much code to run as in "regular" general-purpose databases). However, also available general-purpose DBMSs can often be used for such purpose, if they provide basic user-interfaces for straightforward database applications (limited query and data display; no real programming needed), while still enjoying the database qualities and protections that these DBMSs can provide.
Federated database and multi-database
Main articles: Federated database system and Heterogeneous Database System
A federated database is an integrated database that comprises several distinct databases, each with its own DBMS. It is handled as a single database by a federated database management system (FDBMS), which transparently integrates multiple autonomous DBMSs, possibly of different types (which makes it a heterogeneous database), and provides them with an integrated conceptual view. The constituent databases are interconnected via computer network, and may be geographically decentralized.
Sometime the term multi-database is used as a synonym to federated database, though it may refer to a less integrated (e.g., without an FDBMS and a managed integrated schema) group of databases that cooperate in a single application. In this case typically middleware for distribution is used which typically includes an atomic commit protocol (ACP), e.g., the two-phase commit protocol, to allow distributed (global) transactions (vs. local transactions confined to a single DBMS) across the participating databases.
Graph database
Main article: Graph database
A graph database is a kind of NoSQL database that uses graph structures with nodes, edges, and properties to represent and store information. General graph databases that can store any graph are distinct from specialized graph databases such as triplestores and network databases.
Hypermedia databases
The World Wide Web can be thought of as a database, albeit one spread across millions of independent computing systems. Web browsers "process" these data one page at a time, while web crawlers and other software provide the equivalent of database indexes to support search and other activities.
Hypertext database
Main article: Hypertext
In a Hypertext database, any word or a piece of text representing an object, e.g., another piece of text, an article, a picture, or a film, can be linked to that object. Hypertext databases are particularly useful for organizing large amounts of disparate information. For example they are useful for organizing online encyclopedias, where users can conveniently jump in the texts, in a controlled way, by using hyperlinks.
In-memory database
Main article: In-memory database
An in-memory database (IMDB; also main memory database or MMDB) is a database that primarily resides in main memory, but typically backed-up by non-volatile computer data storage. Main memory databases are faster than disk databases. Accessing data in memory reduces the I/O reading activity when, for example, querying the data. In applications where response time is critical, such as telecommunications network equipment, main memory databases are often used.[4]
Knowledge base
Main article: Knowledge base
A knowledge base (abbreviated KB, kb or Δ[5][6]) is a special kind of database for knowledge management, providing the means for the computerized collection, organization, and retrieval of knowledge. Also a collection of data representing problems with their solutions and related experiences.
Operational database
These databases store detailed data about the operations of an organization. They are typically organized by subject matter, process relatively high volumes of updates using transactions. Essentially every major organization on earth uses such databases. Examples include customer databases that record contact, credit, and demographic information about a business' customers, personnel databases that hold information such as salary, benefits, skills data about employees, Enterprise resource planning that record details about product components, parts inventory, and financial databases that keep track of the organization's money, accounting and financial dealings.
Parallel database
Main article: Parallel database
A parallel database, run by a parallel DBMS, seeks to improve performance through parallelization for tasks such as loading data, building indexes and evaluating queries. Parallel databases improve processing and input/output speeds by using multiple central processing units (CPUs) (including multi-core processors) and storage in parallel. In parallel processing, many operations are performed simultaneously, as opposed to serial, sequential processing, where operations are performed with no time overlap.
The major parallel DBMS architectures (which are induced by the underlying hardware architecture are:
Shared memory architecture, where multiple processors share the main memory space, as well as other data storage.
Shared disk architecture, where each processing unit (typically consisting of multiple processors) has its own main memory, but all units share the other storage.
Shared nothing architecture, where each processing unit has its own main memory and other storage.
Real-time database
Main article: Real time database
If a DBMS system responses users' request in a given time period, it can be regarded as a real time database.
Spatial database
Main article: Spatial database
A spatial database can store the data with multidimensional features. The queries on such data include location based queries, like "where is the closest hotel in my area".
Temporal database
Main article: Temporal database
A temporal database is a database with built-in time aspects, for example a temporal data model and a temporal version of Structured Query Language (SQL). More specifically the temporal aspects usually include valid-time and transaction-time.
Unstructured-data database
Main article: Unstructured data
An unstructured-data database is intended to store in a manageable and protected way diverse objects that do not fit naturally and conveniently in common databases. It may include email messages, documents, journals, multimedia objects etc. The name may be misleading since some objects can be highly structured. However, the entire possible object collection does not fit into a predefined structured framework. Most established DBMSs now support unstructured data in various ways, and new dedicated DBMSs are emerging.

Database Tools

Database Tool
.For a database administrator, DBM (database management) tools make tasks related to maintaining relational databases efficient and fast. Prior to the popularity of these tools, most DBA’s had to use the command line to create, edit, and delete databases. In this article, we present to you the top five most popular/most voted for database management tools.

Late last month, we asked what your favorite database management tool was, and now, here are the top five most-voted-for tools.

5. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

For Microsoft SQL Server database admins, there probably isn’t a better tool out there than Miscosoft’s freeware app (downloadable at $0 dollars on the Microsoft site), SQL Server Management Studio. SQL Server Management Studio has a GUI that Windows OS users will find straightforward, and it has an innovative feature called Object Explorer that lets you browse, select, and perform tasks on database objects. It’s the only tool you need for creating and administering Microsoft SQL Server databases.

4. Sequel Pro

For Mac OS users, Sequel Pro–an open source MySQL database management front-end tool–is a top pick. It has a slick and intuitive GUI that keeps it barebones so that you can easily navigate the app. To get started with Sequel Pro, make sure to check out their docs page (but a word of caution, the docs is still under development at this time).

3. SQLyog

SQLyog is a GUI administration tool for MySQL developed by Indian-based software company, Webyog. It comes in two flavors: Enterprise (with the price ranging from $99 to $999) and the pared down Free Community version; to see the differences, check out the feature comparison table. SQLyog’s list of features is outstanding and unfathomable – a top-notch tool for professional database admins.

2. Navicat for MySQL

Navicat for MySQL is part of the family of cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Linux) relational database management tools created by PremiumSoft. It has a visual query builder for creating complex database queries in a snap, import/export/backup tools for your databases, a report builder for printing out db queries that the boss can understand, a task scheduling assistant for scheduled execution of jobs, and much more.

Navicat also produces front-ends for Oracle and PostgreSQL. Navicat products have a Lite version (non-commercial) and a Premium version; check out the feature matrix to see the difference in features of both versions.

1. phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin, the most popularly voted database management tool by you (and where my vote would have gone), is an open source web-based MySQL manager. Don’t let it’s simple and aesthetically-challenged GUI fool you, phpMyAdmin packs a punch: you can create/manage databases, tables, db users, optimize and check for errors in your db tables, run queries, export/import data in plenty of file formats, and much more; couple all of that with ease of installation and you’ve got yourself a true winner.